Aviation Day Spotlight

Nicole Jones Interview

It’s #NationalAviationDay! To celebrate, we sat down with one of our airport engineers to find out what makes the industry so important.

How did you get into aviation engineering?

I originally started out in the oil and gas and site development sector, but when I started at Thrasher I had the opportunity to try some different fields. I was helping out with general transportation projects and aviation work and was eager to try whatever came my way. I got put on more and more airport projects and connected well with our aviation clients so I became the go-to person for airport engineering – it chose me!

Why is this an industry that interests you?

I’ve always loved to travel and have had the ability to do it more and more over the years – I played Division I volleyball in college and got to fly all over the country for it. It’s been really interesting to work on the other side of an industry that I enjoy so much personally. It makes it special as both a passenger and an engineer.

What’s your favorite part of working with aviation clients?

I love that airport work is about more than just one project or one task. Whatever work we do, it’s all in an effort to make the airport function more efficiently or make their income more diverse and sustainable. You feel like you’re making a lasting impact for that airport and its community.

What’s the most challenging aspect of aviation work?

Every project takes a huge coordination effort! There are a lot of entities involved in aviation work: the airport board, airport employees, the FAA, local funding sources, all kinds of organizations. It can be a challenge to get everyone on the same page and to approve the same plan. It’s a lot of hoops to jump through before you actually get to do the work.

What sets Thrasher apart as the Aviation Engineering Firm of Choice?

I think what really makes us special is that we aren’t just your aviation engineer. We work with our clients every step of the way to make sure their project becomes a reality, and sometimes that takes more than engineering work. We do this particularly well with funding. We can help you find different grants and mechanisms that meet your project’s requirement so we can help you bring it to life.


Nicole Jones, PE, PMP

Nicole Jones, PE, PMP

Project Engineer