A Complete Approach

Our complete, systematic approach means we gain a full understanding of your needs and can incorporate specialized project management expertise to achieve a smooth, seamless design. Thrasher has a long and successful history of working with public utility clients and private developers to find sustainable, innovative, and cost-effective solutions.

Wastewater Collection

  • Feasibility Studies/Facility Planning
  • Nutrient Removal (ENR/BNR)
  • Pump Station Design
  • Collection System Rehabilitation and Replacement
  • Inflow and Infiltration Studies
  • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Reduction
  • Long-Term Control Plans
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant/Reclamation
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • SCADA and Telemetry

Water Treatment & Distribution

  • Feasibility Studies/Facility Planning
  • Distribution System Design and Upgrades
  • Hydraulic Modeling
  • Water Loss Reduction Plans
  • SCADA and Telemetering Systems
  • Existing System Evaluation
  • Water Storage Facility Design
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Source Water Protection Plans
  • Master Planning

Storm Water Systems

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Consulting and Compliance
  • Natural and Green Infrastructure
  • Design of Pipeline, Channels and Culverts
  • Detention Pond Design
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
  • Underground Storage/Injection Wells
  • NPDES Permitting and Compliance
  • Watershed and Flood Studies
  • Stream Modeling
  • Best Management Practices (BMP) Evaluation and Design
  • Storm Water Master Planning

Broadband Services

  • Grant Assistance
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Preliminary Routing
  • Environmental Permitting
  • Survey and Mapping
  • Make-Ready Assessments
  • Pole Field Collection
  • Permitting
  • Construction Plans
  • GIS Database Management
  • Project Management
  • Construction Inspection

Fulfilling your needs in a responsible and innovative way has earned our firm prestigious recognition throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.

Call us: 1-800-273-6541