Project Number: 060-10295

Addendum: There have been two addenda issued for this project. Addendum #1 was issued on June 14, 2022. THE BID DATE HAS BEEN REVISED PER ADDENDUM #1. Addendum #2 was issued on June 14, 2022. UPDATED WAGE RATES.

Contract: Morgan County Senior Center Renovations

Bids Opening: Sealed bids for the Morgan County Senior Center Renovations will be received by the Morgan County Commissioners at the Morgan County Development Office, 155 E. Main Street (Room 135), McConnelsville, OH 43756 until 10:00 a.m., L.P.T, on Monday, June, 20, 2022 for furnishing labor and materials and performing all work set forth in the Contract Documents prepared by The Thrasher Group, Inc. Immediately following the scheduled closing time for the reception of bids, all proposals which have been submitted in accordance with the conditions of the Contract Documents will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Commissioners’ Conference Room.

Project Manager: Steve Hamit

Bidding Documents: To bid on this project and be considered a plan holder, you MUST download the digital project bidding documents from QuestCDN and pay the download delivery fee. Complete digital project bidding documents are available at You may register for free membership with QuestCDN and download the digital plan documents for $15.00 by inputting Quest project #8202522 or the Soliciting Agent’s project number 060-10295 on the website’s Project Search page. Please contact at (952) 233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration and working with this digital project information.

Low Bidder: Apparent low bidder is G and M Construction.