Project Number: T60-11362

Addendum: Three Addendums have been posted.

Contract: Glenville State University - Roof Replacement

Bids Opening: Sealed bids will be received by the Glenville State University on or before 10:00 A.M. (EST) on Thursday, February 6, 2025. Sealed bids may be delivered to Glenville State University, Attn: Clay Chesser, 200 High Street, Glenville, West Virginia, 26351. All sealed bids will be opened and read aloud at the Mollohan Campus Community Center Room 318. Interested parties are invited to attend the bid opening. Any bids received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Pre-Bid: A Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting will be held at 10:00 A.M. Thursday, January 16th, 2025, at Mollohan Campus Community Center, 3rd floor conference room, 200 High Street, Glenville, WV 26351. Bids will not be accepted from Bidders who do not attend the mandatory pre-bid conference.

Project Manager: Marsha Benson

Bidding Documents: Beginning January 7, 2025, prospective bidders may purchase copies of Bidding Documents from the Architect. Bidding Documents issued as hard copy full-size drawings and hard copy specifications, are available for $60.00 per set. Bidding Documents issued as digital drawings and digital specifications, are available for $40.00 per set via the following link: QuestCDN: Amounts paid are not subject to refund.

Low Bidder: AAR of NC, Inc.