US Army Corps of Engineers Announces 2021 Nationwide Permit Changes

On January 13, 2021, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) published upcoming changes to their Nationwide Permit Program in the Federal Register. These changes will be effective on March 15, 2021. The Nationwide Permit Program provides a streamlined permit process under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act for authorizing temporary and permanent impacts to waters of the United States.

If you have a project under construction or are approaching the permitting process, these changes will need to be referenced to ensure compliance. The Thrasher Group, Inc. can provide guidance for your success, with experts available for any type of project, no matter the stage.

The changes being implemented will apply to 12 Nationwide Permits with an additional four new permits being created. These updates will impact a wide range of industries, including significant effects on oil and gas pipelines and electric, sewer, and water utilities. One of the most notable changes, for example, is the amendment of NWP 12 to exclusively handle Oil or Natural Gas Pipeline Activities and the addition of NWP 58, handling Utility Line Activities for Water and Other Substances.

Other permits effected include everything from commercial developments and recreational facilities to stormwater management facilities and electric utility lines.

All activities authorized by the remaining 40 Nationwide Permits that have had no changes made will remain authorized until March 18, 2022.

The Thrasher Group has been following the regulatory updates since their initial publication several months ago. Thrasher has a thorough understanding of these new requirements, an excellent relationship with USACE personnel, and know how to help you navigate the complexities of permitting your project.

When you need Nationwide Permit assistance, Thrasher’s got it.

Additional information on the new requirements can be found on the Army Corps website or by contacting one of Thrasher’s environmental experts below:

Jordan Wilcox
Environmental Project Manager

Gina Panasik, MS
Environmental Project Manager