Runway Extension
The NCWV Airport Runway Safety Project consisted of extending both the taxiway and runway 800 feet to the north and grading a 1000 foot runway safety area for the Runway 21 end. Due to the runway extension, the approach slope to the north was graded to provide a departure of 40:1. The total earthwork was approximately 374,000 CY of over 77 acres of disturbed area.
With the runway getting larger and the thresholds moving, all of the aviation landing equipment including the Glide slope, Malsar lights, Papi, Reil, ASOS, etc had to be relocated. The existing runway was also milled and overlaid with a new topping of asphalt, and the entire runway was re-striped to accommodate the changes.
The project involved extensive coordination and construction sequencing with the FAA and airport operations to ensure both the safety and continued operation of the airport during construction.
Project Highlights
- Expediting and securing all permits, licenses, inspections, sign-offs required by jurisdictional agencies
- Coordinating and supervising work performed by trades and outside suppliers for quality, completeness, schedule, and conformity with plans and specifications
- Upon substantial completion of construction, examine work to assure efficiency, quality, and proper commissioning of equipment
- Developing a community relations program
Let’s discuss your project.